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Registration of Engineers in the Directory of Structural Engineers 2021/2022

In order for civil chartered engineers to be eligible to carry out structural design of buildings and to certify such designs for the UDA, provincial and local authorities, it is necessary for such engineers to be listed in the Directory of Structural Engineers that the IESL is publishing annually. This requirement is made mandatory even for designing and certifying designs for buildings up to 4 Floors, because of the many complaints received by IESL in respect of unscrupulous non-chartered civil engineers who are using the ‘Chartered Engineer’ seals obtained illegally.

  1. New Registration as Structural Engineers

(To refer to new guidelines effective from 2019 onwards, please click:  CEOO/SE/GD/13)

  • LOW RISE CATEGORY (Engineers qualified to design Buildings up to and including 4 Floors)

Interested members are requested to apply for registration by using the application form No: CEOO-SE/FO/12 (Click: CEOO-SE/FO/12) and submit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 12th November 2021 with the payment slip of application processing fee of Rs. 1,500/-. The application would be processed only if the member has settled his/her subscription fees up to and including the current year.

  • INTERMEDIATE, MIDDLE RISE AND HIGH RISE CATEGORIES (Engineers qualified to design Buildings more than four Floors)

Interested members are requested to apply for registration using the application form No: CEOO-SE/FO/11 (Click: CEOO-SE/FO/11). Duly filled application has to be accompanied by a brief CV of the applicant to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 12th November 2021 with the payment slip of application processing fee of Rs. 2,750/-.  The application would be processed only if the member has settled his/her  subscription fees up to and including the current year. The successful applicants will be requested to pay a fee of Rs. 1,500/- to get their names listed in the Directory of Structural Engineers later.



(To refer new guidelines effective from 2019 onwards, please click:  CEOO/SE/GD/13)

Corporate Members whose names are already listed in our Directory of Structural Engineers, can now get their names listed in the Directory of Structural Engineers – 2021/2022, in order to   become eligible to carry out the structural designs of buildings in their respective categories for the year 2021/2022 by applying using the application form NO: CEOO-SE/FO/12 (Click: CEOO-SE/FO/12). The duly filled application form has to be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 12th November 2021 with the payment slip of application processing fee of Rs. 1,500/-.  The application would be processed only if the member has settled his/her subscription fees up to and including the current year.


  1. Payment options

                Option 1 - Pay directly through Internet Payment Gateway (IPG). Please click https://iesl.lk/mis/Outstanding_Payments (this is applicable only for Continuing Members).

               Option 2 - Cash payments must be made to IESL AC No. 002323113 Bank of Ceylon, Torrington Square and a scanned copy of the bank slip is to be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get the confirmation. 

               Option 3 -   Online fund transfer to IESL Account No: 0002323113 maintained at the Torrington/Independence Square Branch of BOC and a scanned copy of the confirmation payment slip is to be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get the confirmation.

For further assistance in this regard, kindly contact Ms. Sanduni Fernando on 071-1216057.


Eng. Neil Abeysekera

Chief Executive Officer/Executive Secretary

The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka
